One More Chance: The story of Benny Se Teo from heroin addict to restaurant boss

By Colin Cheong.

One More Chance: The story of Benny Se Teo from heroin addict to restaurant boss


"Society may not have given me another chance at first, but I gave myself one. Enough people believed in me and now I can give others that one more chance." – Benny Se TeoBy the time he was in Primary Five, Benny Se Teo was packing opium and running the packets to his father's opium den in Chinatown. At 15, Benny had his first puff of pot, then one night, he bought a straw of heroin and his troubles truly began. In jail after his umpteenth arrest, he began to bleed in his stomach and had to be rushed to hospital. In those hours, he remembered the Saviour he had accepted...


9814597422, 9789814597425


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